Fastan Lous
Fastan Lous holds the galactic record for highest density of XGender implants. Sadly, the strain on his physiology was so great that he was eventually left with an insatiable yearning for complete and constant androgyny. His quest to create his ideal mate slowly drove him mad until he was finally detained for his own safety. Authorities decided he'd left the Rings of Thierren when he become convinced he was a Camaaran suntoad.
Fendari ore
Fendari ore isn't so much mined as it is digested. The Fendari, a silicate species of wormlike creatures reaching up to twenty meters in length, burrow through mineral-rich deposits with dual rows of rotating teeth. After passing through the Fendari's digestive tract where impurities are removed, the ore that emerges at the other end is hardened, resilient, and keenly sought by shipbuilders for hull material.
Unit of measurement equal to the distance a Recursion-class engine can travel on a single bindle of fuel.
An inexpensive, short-sleeved garment worn over the torso, usually bearing a supposedly witty slogan, promotional image, or corporate insignia. In isolated, enlightened cultures, flibs are also tight-fitting, suggestively pink panties.
This is a journey for two (and only two) of your crewmates. They must be left to fend for themselves. In a few moments the ship will be ordered to a new location.
Frozni's Finishing School
Their ads tout a multifaceted curriculum spanning everything from zero-gravity pastry cream piping to advanced color coordination, and maybe the parents who send their daughters to this far-flung chain of educational chop-shops truly believe they're preparing their girls for a life among the galaxy's privileged elite. But most of their precious debutantes-to-be have no qualms about earning credits with a rough and tumble crowd, if you know what I mean, and many Mooncursers favor ports with a Frozni's in the neighborhood.