NATO Alphabet
A Alpha B Bravo
C Charlie D Delta
E Echo F Foxtrot
G Golf H Hotel
I India J Juliet
K Kilo L Lima
M Mike N November
O Oscar P Papa
Q Quebec R Romeo
S Sierra T Tango
U Uniform V Victor
W Whiskey X X-ray
Y Yankee Z Zulu
NATO Phonetic Alphabet
A Alpha B Bravo
C Charlie D Delta
E Echo F Foxtrot
G Golf H Hotel
I India J Juliet
K Kilo L Lima
M Mike N November
O Oscar P Papa
Q Quebec R Romeo
S Sierra T Tango
U Uniform V Victor
W Whiskey X X-ray
Y Yankee Z Zulu
nautical flags
Sorry. Talk to GC.
Neroptids are rodents native to Pilarvane. They nest among the tropical fruit that are Pilarvane's main export, and will wreak havoc on a space vessel if they are taken off-planet. Once they finish eating the tropical fruit cargo, they tend to move on to the crew and the wiring within the ship, leading to a dismal race to death between direct consumption by the neroptid or the sudden shutdown of the ship's life support and guidance systems. An infested ship is best destroyed, and even the most desperate salvage crews are wary of one of these hulks.
Nissa is a small planet whose major export is Slickwood, which is vitally important to the settlements in the Waterless Sector, but otherwise probably isn't worth the space in your ship.
Noble Snakes Academy
Noble Snakes Academy was founded by Him Whose Ears We Speak Not Of after his enlightenment on Linar. Witnessing the ability of second sight, he decided that the ability to physically observe oneself was the missing component to total self-awareness. The Academy teaches this skill to anyone willing to learn, although it requires a ten-year commitment. Second sight has become a necessary skill for Wolf's Tooth players. The ability to see behind you isn't a bad investment for ship captains, either. Except, of course, those captains who have complete trust in their often hastily hired crew.
Nucleozoomers are the favored mode of transportation on Analor V. They're actually very ordinary vehicles aside from being completely invisible. Many nucleozoomers are custom built in designer shapes, which people will be willing to describe to you in great detail. Major cities on Analor V often have designated cruising streets blanketed by perpetual rain. These are popular areas for exchanging goods, particularly waterproof ones.
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