Raluria is proof that you can have too much of a good thing. Ralurian mangoes are delectable fruits, and the custom of splitting one with one's host is charming. Sharing one with the transit operator is quaint. Exchanging slices with the sanitation staff is eccentric. Trading bites with law enforcement officers when they cite you for docking without a permit really starts to stretch the appeal to the breaking point. Anyone allergic to mangoes should not even enter the star system.
Ralurian mango
These mangoes were developed in the hybridization laboratories of the aristocracy on the planet Raluria. An average Ralurian mango weighs about two kilograms, making it a dramatic centerpiece for an elegant meal. A discerning host will present it on a crystal platter garnished with mint leaves and small jewels.
You should visit the goods agent before leaving a site.
Rex Tiborg
Celebrity chef and proprietor of the Aardvark Inn. Rex came to fame through his role as GalactoChef Insect on the long-running cult show GalactoChef. Rex rarely leaves Gellish as he is wanted for capital crimes in the Lynchton System. Rex claims this is due to a "misunderstanding" in which he prepared broiled Proxtelian beetle for a royal dinner and confused the Lynchian Princess Xactl with the central ingredient. The confusion is understandable since Lynchians evolved from Proxtelian beetles on Proxtel when the Montevoid's uplift tampering created the sentient Lynchians. To this day, Rex insists that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the Canary Incident. It was like that when he got there.
Rings of Thierren
The Rings of Thierren are an oasis in the otherwise desolate Jindak Sector. During the Photogenic Wars, General Intheal was forced out of this system but declared, "I shall return!". After traveling for only a few pargeons, he decided to surrender so he could return to the Rings. This was wisely regarded as a keen tactical maneuver, and 'leaving the Rings of Thierren' has since been used to describe a decided lack of sanity.
Roman numerals
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 If smaller numbers follow larger numbers, the numbers are added. If a smaller number precedes a larger number, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger.
rouce nuts
Rouce nuts are a delicacy whose origin is unknown. They are sold exclusively at the Cafe Beda cantina. No one but the proprietor knows how they are grown or processed.