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How Does it End?

Hopefully, the primary result of the game is that everyone had a lot of fun and someone is just dying to host another one in 2006. On top of that, this was a competitive event--at least for those who chose to see it that way--and we were keeping score.

In the first three legs, teams were ranked both according to their arrival order at the pit stop and their score in the trading game. These two rankings were converted to points, which were combined to form the score for that leg. The fourth leg of the game had no trading game component, so the arrival order counted double. The conversion from ranking to score used a slightly non-linear scale from 30 to 100:

The minimum score was 240 and the maximum was 800. So, without further ado, here are the final results for the game. See the menu for detailed breakdowns of the speed and trading aspects of the game.


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