Location: Museum of Glass (DAXLE) This was the second part of the bridge of glass location. Teams were instructed to return to the bridge, face South and look up. Teams received this: The bridge ceiling looked like this: Show hints at [0] [10] [20] [25] minutes 10: HINT has detected you're about to decide that each row of pictures represents a word. 20: HINT now knows you're about to realize that each row of pictures falls in a 3x3 area. 25: HINT can now safely assume you'll interpret each 3x3 area as a telephone keypad. Each line of the clue contains photos that all belong to a different 3x3 area. In fact, this 3x3 area simply translates one squre to the right for each line. Each 3x3 area represents a telephone keypad. The given pictures can be used to phone-spell a message: HANDBOOK ENTRY PARGEON TAPROOM CAPITAL LETTERS. If you look at the Handbook entry for Pargeon Taproom and read off the capital letters, you get OPTIGO. |
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