logo The Mooncurser's Handbook

Location: Jose Rizal Park (HAMLIN)
Arrival code: MOSAIC

This clue came in the form of small pieces of felt in a net bundle. The pieces were of various shapes and colors, arranged randomly below. The bundle also included a small slip of paper with the gray images shown at the bottom of this page. (These shapes are not exactly the same as those used in the original clue.)

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Show hints at [0] [10] [20] [30] [40] [50] minutes

10: The HINT system has determined that you will soon decide to focus on the loose tiles, and to leave the paper for later.

20: The HINT system has determined that you are just about to notice that the tiles come in a variety of shapes, some of which appear multiple times.

30: The HINT system predicts that you will group the tiles by color.

40: HINT indicates that you will soon attempt to interpret the shapes of the tiles as ciphertext.

50: Every tile in a color group represents one of the letters in the tile color name.

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